Specialized Guide Service for Leaders

(Accredited Boss Whisperer® ABW - Mark Batson Baril)

Abrasive leaders rub their co-workers the wrong way. Their words and actions create interpersonal friction that grates on subordinates, peers, and even superiors, eroding employee motivation and organizational productivity. Abrasive conduct can range on a continuum from mildly irritating to severely disruptive (otherwise known as workplace bullying). Changing this behavior is possible, but it takes backbone and focused effort.

So, what’s the first step in making change? Diagnosing the style. To that end we built the Abrasive Leader Diagnostic™ to help you determine whether an individual has an abrasive leadership style. The final report includes recommendations for next steps based upon the results. You are not required to enter any contact information to receive the report, and your privacy is maintained throughout the process. Start Diagnosis

Changing Abrasive Leader Behavior - Learning Center



Can an abrasive management style be changed? +

It can't go on – something has to change. You've gotten multiple complaints from employees describing how difficult it is to work with this individual. You've realized it's not just a simple personality conflict – it's a chronic pattern of disrespectful behavior shown toward others, be they subordinates, peers and/or superiors of the leader.

You've tried talking to the individual, to no avail. You encounter denial: "I'm not abrasive!" or justification of the behavior as a necessary management strategy: "Sometimes you just have to be tough on people to get them to perform." The leader may even have acknowledged their destructive style and promised to change their ways, but after a brief period of improvement, the old behaviors return. You value this person's expertise, but their technical performance is now being overshadowed by their disruptive interpersonal conduct. You feel helpless – you wonder if the situation is hopeless.

You're not helpless, and contrary to common belief, abrasive leaders are not hopeless. Over the past thirty years of research and practice, the Boss Whispering Institute has developed an accelerated coaching process designed to help these individuals develop the insight and motivation to relinquish their abrasive styles in favor of more productive management strategies. He/she/they will find the process deeply rewarding and enjoyable, and you will see demonstrable results by the third coaching session.

What are the signs of this type of abrasive conduct in your workplace? +

Symptoms of abrasive leadership may include, but are not limited to:

  • Complaints regarding the individual's interactions with coworkers
  • Chronic pattern of disrespectful behaviors
  • Requests to transfer out of the leader's department
  • Attrition of valued employees
  • Decreased morale and motivation
  • Potential or actual harassment litigation

What kind of co-worker complaints are common? +

  • Public Humiliation
  • Yelling, Screaming, Demeaning behavior
  • Negative Body Language
  • Moody and Unpredictable Behavior (Jekyll and Hyde)
  • Lack of Emotional Control

What is Boss Whispering? +

Boss Whispering® is a coaching method designed specifically for abrasive leaders, who are generally unaware of, or tend to minimize the impact of their behavior. Based on extensive research with over 400 abrasive executives, managers, supervisors and professionals (including medical, legal, and academic), this approach helps individuals quickly gain insight into the impact of their words and actions and develop non-destructive management strategies.

What are the basic steps of Boss Whispering? +

This highly confidential process involves an initial onsite assessment followed by regular in-person or virtul coaching sessions. Boss Whispering® usually lasts 8-10 sessions, and demonstrable results should be evident by the third coaching session.

Where can I learn more about this type of corrective guide service? +

Additional resources:

  • “Winners Who Become Losers: Abrasive Leaders” - A chapter from No Winner Ever Got There Without a Coach. For employers and managers who are anxious about how to phrase intervention and want to learn why and how to intervene. Easy-to-read interview format and can be especially valuable for resistant upper managers HR may be trying to motivate.
  • "Why We Don’t Take Bulls (or Bosses) by the Horns" This is a book chapter from Taming the Abrasive Manager: How to End Unnecessary Roughness in the Workplace. A Discussion of why employers avoid intervening with abrasive leaders, namely their fear of doing harm (to the leader) or being harmed (by the leader).

The Abrasive Leader White Paper
by resologics, for HR and Management Professionals

Your organization has a responsibility to assure the physical and psychological safety of your workforce.

HR and Management professionals need to understand what they’re dealing with in a leader who is perceived to be abrasive, and exhibits abrasive behavior.

Learn about the costs, the abrasive leader dilemma, the solution, and proven tools you can use to turn the situation around for the benefit of your organization and everyone involved (including the leader).

Get a better handle on difficult workplace behavior in just 15 minutes.



Let’s change this situation together!