Organizational Culture Inventory® (OCI®)

Quantifying and managing organizational culture is critical for bringing an organization’s values “to life,” supporting the implementation of its strategies, and promoting adaptation, goal attainment, and sustainability. As with most organizational change and development initiatives, it makes sense to start things off with the metrics provided by a statistically reliable and valid survey.

The Organizational Culture Inventory® (OCI®) is the most widely-used and thoroughly-researched tool for measuring organizational culture in the world.

The OCI® provides organizations with a visual profile of their operating cultures in terms of the behaviors that members believe are required to "fit in and meet expectations." These behavioral norms have a significant impact on the organization’s ability to solve problems, adapt to change, and perform effectively.

The OCI-Ideal, provides leaders and organizations with a tool for quantifying, envisioning, and communicating their ideal or preferred organizational culture. The Ideal Culture profile serves as the benchmark against which the actual organizational culture can be compared. Together, these profiles provide a visual gap analysis, targets for cultural change, and a foundation for identifying the appropriate levers for effecting this change.

Beyond measuring operating culture, the OCI® assesses key outcomes: individual member satisfaction, intention to stay, role clarity and role conflict, and perceptions of the organization's service quality.


  • Signaling and/or validating the need for cultural transformation
  • Planning and monitoring organizational development programs
  • Supporting programs designed to enhance strategy implementation, employee engagement, organizational learning, quality and reliability, and/or customer service
  • Facilitating mergers, acquisitions, and strategic alliances
  • Enhancing managers' understanding of culture and sustainability
  • Managing diversity and corporate responsibility
  • Measuring culture for teaching and research purposes


  • Measures behavioral norms and expectations that have a well-documented impact (positive and negative) on performance
  • Provides a reliable, valid, and true measure of culture—clearly distinguishing culture and climate as distinct yet interrelated organizational variables
  • Meets rigorous academic and psychometric standards with results reported in numerous journals and the Handbook of Organizational Culture & Climate
  • Is part of the Integrated Diagnostic System, which visually links individual, manager, leader, team, and organization behaviors with the Human Synergistics International Circumplex
Human Synergistics International Circumplex

Human Synergistics International Circumplex

Organizational Effectiveness Inventory® (OEI)

Based on the How Culture Works Model, the OEI complements the Organizational Culture Inventory® (OCI®) by measuring the Causal Factors (Levers for Change) that shape culture and the Outcomes of culture at the individual, group, and organizational levels.

The OEI provides an actionable, impactful, and research-based alternative to employee attitude and opinion surveys, linking climate and culture in terms of:

  • What people experience and perceive as members of the organization
  • The impact this has on what they believe is expected of them (norms and culture)
  • How culture in turn leads to important outcomes at the individual level (e.g., engagement), the group level (e.g., teamwork), and the organizational level (e.g., adaptability and quality)

This comprehensive survey, particularly when used in conjunction with the OCI®, assesses the most important internal factors and conditions likely to impact organizational performance and sustainability.

Together, the OCI® and the OEI provide a complete picture of the case for change and the levers for change. With the OCI® measuring Ideal and Current Culture and the OEI measuring organizational practices and outcomes, clear reasons and strategies emerge for initiating and guiding change and development.


  • Integrates with the Organizational Culture Inventory® (OCI®) to provide a complete and integrated “map” of organizational culture and effectiveness
  • Based on years of research on the factors that influence cultural styles and the outcomes of culture
  • Takes the guesswork out of change by enabling consultants and leaders to identify specific and relevant levers for cultural transformation
  • Meets academic and psychometric standards and provides norms and benchmarks based on a research sample (rather than on skewed client data)
  • Part of the Integrated Diagnostic System, which visually links individual, manager, leader, team, and organization behaviors with the Human Synergistics International Circumplex



The OCI and OEI tools are registered trademarks of Human Synergistics International. Graphics, text descriptions, and specific models are ©copyright of Human Synergistics International and are used here with permission. RESOLOGICS is a certified facilitator for the delivery and interpreting of these assessment tools.