Three Ways The Organizational Ombuds Can Guide You Through A Crisis

[Reprinted from article by Mark Batson Baril, June 2, 2020]


Crises have a way of testing us in challenging ways that stretch our comfort zone and expertise. Leaders find themselves under a harsh microscope as everyone looks to them for assurance, calm, care, support, clear perspective and "all" the answers.

Navigating difficult times can be daunting (and lonely) for leaders. Organizational ombuds ("ombudsman," "ombudsperson") can be a game-changing resource for leadership during crisis or change, where every decision and action carries enormous weight and higher-than-normal risk for the company and its people.

You might know an ombuds only as an official appointed to investigate and resolve complaints in public institutions. Not so! As defined by the International Ombudsman Association (Disclosure: I am an active member of the International Ombudsman Association), today's organizational ombuds acts as a trusted advisor for leaders seeking objective guidance, information and insight in areas such as proactive decision-making, risk assessment, systemic change efforts, workplace engagement and productivity, as well as conflict resolution.

The ombuds is a representative right within your organization who has an ear to the ground on organizational trends, is specifically trained in problem-solving and mediation, and who serves with the guiding principles of confidentiality, neutrality and independence.

The ombuds handles sticky situations that management cannot.

By nature of the ombuds's role as an impartial and confidential outsider, they are often privy to issues that management is not. As they say, the boss is often the last to know. The ombuds has a unique multi-level view of the organization and can be a sounding board for the leader to test ideas and assess the soundness of their decisions.

On the workplace frontlines, the ombuds' support is important, if not crucial, to leadership in these ways:

1. Reports Under-The-Radar Trends In Real Time

What appears to be a one-time complaint or interpersonal rift can grow to become company-wide, especially when stress and uncertainty are high. The ombuds can detect these patterns and settle a dispute before it escalates. They keep anonymized data points of all interactions, so they will notice if the complaint is a one-off or if a pattern is emerging that signals trouble ahead.

While keeping confidentiality, the ombuds will alert leadership so that the issue can be dealt with in a measured, thoughtful way. They can work together to arrive at an appropriate solution for the issue at hand, as well as make suggestions for systemic changes to avert future problems.

Particularly in those unforgiving periods of rapid growth, recession or unexpected crisis, the value of heading off negative outcomes from conflict is, frankly, priceless. In my experience in conflict advisory, I have seen unresolved conflict take down a business completely.

2. Resolves Team Conflicts So The Focus Can Stay On The Crisis

During a crisis, as we have experienced in the COVID-19 pandemic, management is occupied day-to-day with making the pivots necessary to sustain the business and come out stronger on the other side. Team members and employees are being asked to make rapid changes and sacrifices to their norm, which naturally increases stress and anxiety. We also know that working from home and other changes in the workplace will continue to evolve over time, presenting their own challenges for employees and management.

Rarely are leaders trained in the conflict management and high-level communication skills that are required to meet these challenges. The organizational ombuds has expertise in both, and with diverse people in varied contexts. This makes them an important collaborator in guiding an organization's most valuable asset — their people — through difficulties, so that leadership can focus on the business at hand.

3. Listens To Those Who Are Typically Silent

The organizational ombuds is an advocate for vulnerable and aggrieved individuals, no matter their role or level in the organization — so all are heard. The ombuds hears concerns that otherwise would not be brought forward, which could range from a persistent interpersonal tiff, friction with a "bully boss," to chronic sexual harassment or discrimination.

A 2017 study of 164 ombuds offices in the U.S. and Canada showed on average that 3.2% of an organization's population used the Office of the Ombuds as a resource to resolve a variety of conflict issues. That means that if you have 100 people in your organization, it's likely that three of them are dealing with a difficult issue at work — right now — and have nobody to turn to for help.

It's just 3% — why should it matter?

Besides the ethical and moral aspects, offering support to that aggrieved 3% (which is a low percentage, in my experience) is important for two reasons:

• These concerns may be arising from a systemic problem, deep-seated or foundational in nature. What appears to be an isolated personal concern could, in fact, be the canary in the coal mine that something worse is about to happen.

• For employees to sustain their hope and engagement (and productivity), particularly during challenging times, they need to know they are safe, respected and heard. How valuable it is for a person to know that if they have a concern, they have someone to turn to who is seen as an impartial listening ear, encouraging honesty and authenticity without the risk of punishment.

The ombuds provides a safe haven for any employee of a company to stand up and tell their truth. The presence and skill of the ombuds is crucial to a process whereby (1) issues can be aired without reprisals or consequences, (2) the two parties can come together in agreement and/or solution to differences, and (3) the company is facilitated and supported to create a new policy if needed to address these issues in the future.

The organizational ombuds serves as a valuable resource whom forward-thinking leaders can turn to in order to protect their companies and their people through challenging times and for the long term.


Mark Batson Baril

Mark is a conflict advisor and ombudsman for organizational teams. If you would like to contact Mark please e-mail him at

Resologics provides conflict advising services to organizations to help them avoid disputes, optimize team dynamics for better outcomes, and reduce costs. The resologics team can be reached at 800.465.4141 | |