How To Build Or Repair Trust In Your Team: The Trust Formula

How To Build Or Repair Trust In Your Team: The Trust Formula

[Reprint from article by Forbes Coaches Council Member Mark Batson Baril, September 28 2020]

Over the years as an organizational ombuds, I have witnessed the dynamics of thousands of interpersonal relationships in teams. What key factor, particularly during any period of crisis, differentiates the high-performing, responsive team from the one that goes down in flames?

The factor that consistently rises to the top is trust. Mavenlink’s “Future of Work” survey highlights trust as “a pillar of strong work cultures.” More than half of respondents listed it as a top-three preference for “what enables a workplace culture that creates success.”

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Want a Successful Workplace Team? Start with the Trust Factor

Want a Successful Workplace Team? Start with the Trust Factor

What makes you trust someone? Is it that you believe they’re competent? That you feel safe with them? That they’re well-meaning and want to help? You might say, it depends. Or, one of these possibilities feels much more important to you than another. Is it possible that someone else might have a completely different set of factors for trusting that same person?

These simple questions have already uncovered a lot of layers, wouldn’t you say? That’s why we say that building trust in a team is an ongoing process that is as complex as the varying personalities, backgrounds, and experiences of each and every member.

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