Workplace Conflict Resolution

RESOLOGICS uses a comprehensive model of conflict resolution services for businesses. Some services enable business teams to embrace conflict and use it to their advantage while other services are focused on conflicts that have escalated and need immediate attention.

Mediation Services

 "Mediation is a process in which an impartial "mediator" facilitates communication and negotiation and promotes voluntary decision making by the parties to the dispute. Mediation serves various purposes, including providing the opportunity for parties to define and clarify issues, understand different perspectives, identify interests, explore and assess possible solutions, and reach mutually satisfactory agreements." 

RESOLOGICS uses "mediation" as tool and a way to help parties that are unable to negotiate find a way to come to the table and move forward. The goal is resolution, action, change, and long-term sustainable agreements that work for everyone. 

Learn more about mediation and the mediation process here. 


Crisis Management Services

Even with the best laid plans, the environment within fast-paced, high potential businesses will sometimes lead to a crisis. Sometimes an outside influence will push buttons that have never been pushed before. Sometimes it comes from the inside.

For these circumstances RESOLOGICS supports the team and/or individual team members with a variety of services meant to get things back on track with as little disruption as possible. 

Services May Include (and are not limited to): 

  • Conflict Coaching
  • Mediation
  • Conciliation
  • Training
  • Assisted Negotiation
  • Restorative Practices
  • Recommendation of Alternative Services

In remaining true to the theory behind the RESOLOGICS model, we do not provide Arbitration, Litigation or Behavioral Health services but will instead recommend practitioners of these services should the need arise. In some cases the services listed above may also be outsourced in order to avoid any conflict of interest.